Saturday, 5 September 2015

Folding Plastic Bulk Container (IBC)

Plastic Bulk Container

1 comment:

  1. P2G video on one of the best folding plastic bulk container in the market. Structural foam injection moulding makes this pallet box very strong and impact resistance. "Lego" style plastic intermediate bulk containers (IBC) can increase to 2 or 3 high in minutes. Virgin HDPE Pallet container for raw material, food, rubber, electronics, parts and many more industries. Plastic 2 go Indonesia supply this bulk container in solid or vented, 1 high, 2 high and 3 high including pallet and walls for easy assembly and folding when empty. This pallecon carry 600 kg dynamic load and 3,000 kg static load so no racking system is required; it’s a pallet, container and racking system all in one! Ideal for long distance transport of big volume of goods; save on the way back up to 63% and the same when you store the containers in the warehouse. Protect your products such as bananas, avocado, papaya, watermelons, melons, potatoes, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, plastic containers, detergent pouches, cartons, plastic bottles, rigid packaging, chemicals, meat, beef, chicken, fish and more can be transported with this bin that will last for long time. Please e mail us to: info@plastic2goindonesia for a complete brochure on this unique logistics system.
